Aspects To Consider Before Renting An Office Space

office building space for rent in PJ

If you’re looking for an office space, the location you choose is critical to your company’s success. It affects not only your day-to-day operations and employee morale, but also your brand image. There are numerous factors that can influence which office you choose; however, there are three that are absolutely critical to the process. If you overlook one of these, you may be disappointed. You can also check out here on office building space for rent in PJ.

Here are some of the aspects to look at before renting an office space:

  1. Location
  • “Location, Location, Location.” We’ve all heard that famous phrase, which emphasises the importance of location when selecting a space for your office.

Here are two critical questions to ask:

  • Can my clients arrive without incident?
  • Can my employees easily get there?
  • If you find an office that checks both of these boxes, you’re on your way to finding a good location. Consider the neighbourhood’s security as well as what’s nearby the office. Is there a gym close by? Coffee house? After-work drink? All of these things are critical for keeping your clients and employees happy!
office building space for rent in PJ
  1. Price
  • When it comes to choosing a new office space, most businesses prioritise price. If you spend too little, you’ll either end up with an unsatisfactory office or you’ll be forced to leave after a few months. Spend too much, and you may find yourself unable to pay your rent or forced to relocate in order to downsize. Neither of those options is ideal.

When deciding how much to spend on your next office space, consider the following questions:

  • Is it possible for me to pay a three-month rent deposit on this office right now?
  • Have I inquired about any additional costs? (Maintenance, additional parking fees, and so on.)
  • Is this office priced competitively with similar office spaces in the area?

Question one provides a broad indication of affordability, and asking about hidden costs protects you from being hit with unexpected charges. The third question is simply to ensure that you are getting the best possible deal. Make a quick comparison with other office spaces in the area to ensure you’re getting good value.

office building space for rent in PJ
  1. Size
  • Obviously, both of the previously mentioned factors—location and price—will influence the size of the commercial premises you choose, but it’s worth noting.
  • As a general rule, 70 square feet per person is usually recommended. However, you are the most knowledgeable about your industry. If your employees require larger desks or more storage, for example, increase this figure accordingly.
  • There’s also the matter of meeting and resting areas. You’ll need a place to meet with clients, and your colleagues will need a place to eat lunch!

Here are a couple of simple questions to help you determine whether the offices you’re considering are the right size:

  • Will each person have at least 70 square feet of floor space?
  • Do I have room to increase staffing levels in line with projected growth?
  • Do I have a separate area for client meetings?
  • Will my employees be satisfied with their social/recreation areas?