Products Needed By First-Time ParentsĀ 

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As your baby’s birth date approaches, there’s a lot to do, and gathering all the necessities for your newborn can be a daunting task. Use this newborn baby checklist to find out what you’ll need during your baby’s first three months, as well as some other “nice-to-haves” to think about. This list includes items for your baby’s nursery, as well as clothing, feeding, diapering, and bathing necessities, as well as useful gear for when you’re out and about. Once you have these items, you will feel more prepared to bring your baby home. You can also click here to learn more on mother care products online malaysia.

Here are a list of things needed by your newborn baby:

  1. Crib and crib mattress
  • The crib is at the top of our list of newborn baby necessities. Your baby will require a safe crib to sleep in because they will be sleeping for at least 16 hours per day, if not more, in the early days and weeks! A crib can be costly, but if you choose a style that converts into a toddler bed and then a daybed, you can get many years of use out of it. Some models can even be converted into a full-sized bed in the future! It’s best to buy new cribs; that way, you’ll know that your baby’s crib meets all of the most recent safety standards.
  • A firm mattress that fits the crib you’ve purchased perfectly is one of the most important newborn baby essentials. This is the most secure sleeping surface.
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  1. Clothes storage
  • Even if you’ve only gathered the necessities, you’ll need a place to store your newborn’s clothing. In some cases, the changing table’s drawers or shelves may be sufficient storage. To organise your clothes, you can also use baskets or tubs; chests of drawers or wardrobes are also good options.
  1. Pacifier
  • Because newborns may suck on a pacifier to soothe themselves, this may be a must-have item for you. Keep in mind that pacifiers have a habit of disappearing, so keep a few on hand! Pacifiers come in a variety of sizes; double-check the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure you get one that is appropriate for the newborn stage.
  1. Baby swing
  • Swings sway or vibrate to help calm your baby. A swing, unlike a bouncer, moves without your newborn having to move their legs; instead, you use the sway or vibration setting. Keep in mind that baby swings have a minimum and maximum weight limit, so choose one that is appropriate for your newborn’s size. Toys that hang above swings are common, and some even make sounds or play music.
  1. Nursing pillow
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  1. Milk storage bags
  • These small bags aid in the compact storage of breast milk. They are typically single-use items that may allow you to store milk without the use of bottles. You can usually pump directly into the bag as an added bonus.